Configuring a JWT Token
Before we get started, RingCentral must complete the following for you:
- Provision your line
- Ensure your provisioned line is text enabled
- Successfully register the line for 10dlc
Once the above is complete, the first step is to provide Textel a JWT token from RingCentral:
- Find the Owner of the provisioned line (this step must be completed by the owner of the line. It can’t be completed by any other RingCentral user.)
- The Owner must also have at least a Developer Admin role within RingCentral.
- The Owner will log into the developer console to generate a JWT token for the line(s).
Once you are in Developer Console...
- Hover your mouse over your name in the upper righthand corner, and select "Credentials."
- Click “Create JWT”.
- Configure JWT with the following:
- Create a name
- Select production environment
- Select a user
- Check the box “only specific apps of my choice”
- Enter our Client ID: kc2aquNRQ9iQulJKGHb6lQ
- Leave expiration blank
- Send the JWT token to
Click Here for Additional RingCentral Instructions. Please reach out to RingCentral support should you need help generating this token.