Managing Users

In this article, we will talk through the User Management page. Some of the functions of this page are described in more detail in the articles Inviting Users and User Roles & Access.

Users vs. Contacts

It is important to distinguish between Users and Contacts in the platform. 

  • Users are your employees or internal team members who will have access to the Textel platform to perform functions your company's behalf. They will have the ability to engage with your customers through a variety of products.
  • Contacts are your customers. These are the contacts that your business interacts with via SMS/MMS messaging. Contacts do not have access to the Textel platform.

User Management Table

This table is designed to give an at-a-glance view of the users within your account. Within this table you can see the following information:

  • Email Address
  • First and Last Name
  • Role
  • Product Access
  • Line Access count
  • Status
  • Edit action button

Adding New Users

From this page you can invite new users by clicking on the Invite Users button in the top right corner of the page. Visit this article for more detailed information on inviting users.

User Status

Each user has a status associated to their account. This is typically only relevant during the invitation process. A Pending status indicates that the user has not yet accepted their invitation to join the platform. Invitations expire after 24 hours, so if a user has missed that window it is best to delete that user and re-invite them. 

Editing Users

Once a user has accepted their invitation, an Admin has the ability to edit that user's information. To edit a user, click on the "Edit" button within the table row for the specific user. The most important elements of the user that are editable are:

  • User Role
  • Product Access

Editing Line Access

The controls to modify which lines a user has access to can be found on the Line Management page. To get more information on that, visit this article.

Deleting Users

Sometimes there is a need to delete a user from the platform. To do this, click on the "Edit" button on the user's row that you'd like to delete. This will open a modal with a button to "Delete User". You will receive another safety modal to ensure you want to delete the user. Deleting users will remove all of their access as well as unassign any conversations that may be currently claimed by that user.

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